About JessicaJessica De Maria is a New York based actor, singer, writer, director and musician. Jessica has enjoyed a variety of roles across Atlanta stages at Actor's Express, The Alliance Theatre, Theatrical Outfit, Atlanta Lyric Theatre, Horizon Theatre amongst others and on its cabaret circuit. Jessica's first co-written musical, THE LAST TIME WE WERE HERE, appeared at the New York Musical Theatre Festival in June 2015 and received a workshop production at Synchronicity theatre in August of 2016. Her latest co-written musical THE PRETTY PANTS BANDIT premiered at Georgia Ensemble Theatre in March of 2022. Jessica is a proud member of the Actor's Equity Association and daytimes as a non-profits grantswriter. She loves to mock the fact she plays the accordion and deeply enjoys over quoting the movie Tombstone. She has seen The Princess Bride over 300 times. She's not sorry about it.
www.jessicademaria.com www.chaseandjessica.com |
"Muriel Eubanks and Andre Thibault, played here by the marvelous Jessica De Maria, who lights up the stage at every turn, and Steve Hudson...The two, working together to sell an unlikely romance between a bored wealthy socialite and a corrupt French police inspector, are so fun to watch that they very nearly upstage the primary players.-Amy Zipperer, BroadwayWorld, Atlanta on Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
"Jessica De Maria steals nearly every scene she is in as both housekeeper Mrs. Brill and the Bird Woman. Her put-upon Scottish servant is one of the show's comedic highlights, while her duet with Crawley on "Feed the Birds" was extremely moving."-Matt Tamanini, BWW Reviews on Mary Poppins |
"Jessica De Maria, who played the accordion and a variety of percussion instruments among other acting roles, exuded a contagious energy. She exemplified the tone of each scene as she invested her whole body in each individual moment of the performance."- Joel Lerner, The Emory Wheel on Once
“It’s a show-stopping moment for Ms. De Maria, whose flawless, finely calibrated performance all evening almost steals the show.”- Manning Harris, Atlanta InTown Paper on Falsettos "These witches are seductive, sensuous, and deliciously wicked. Other very nice performances...Jessica De Maria’s (a stage animal) provocative witch and also the Porter, who has the most famous comic relief scene in history"-Manning Harris, Atlanta InTown Paper on Macbeth |